While my brothers and sisters before me gladly followed through with my parents career wishes, I could not bring myself to do the same. I just had this itch. An itch that made me feel utterly and completely lost during my early university years. My peers seemed to be on a path that I strayed from. I bounced from degree to degree, year by year. I even revisited some of them. Nothing felt right. When my bestie suggested the BIS degree, I couldn’t help but be intrigued. When I joined this degree (or cult), I felt like I belonged. I felt like I finally knew something. I was the boss of my own degree, and most of all, in charge of my career and life. It was as simple as that. I was able to choose what I was most fascinated by, and create a thesis revolving around topics that related to real life issues that mattered to me. I discovered that interdisciplinary research was all about integration. It was about limiting my bias, and challenging the norms of a given discipline. It was about open mindedness, learning things I may have not known before, and being able to look at problem from multiple perspectives. Interdisciplinary research taught me how to use a variety of tools and methods to become a superstar problem solver. This degree helped me see the endless possibilities that are out there, and realize that learning is infinite.

Journey through the Galaxy by Sergei Golyshev